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Culture and Recreation Portal
    ( 64 visits since 2006-11-23 )
about Australia's culture and recreation. AUSTRALIAN STORIES ... Find Australian history, culture and recreation in our collection of stories and articles.
[ 73 votes, rating : 5/10 ]
URL : http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au
Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks
    ( 1 visits since 2006-11-23 )
Attractions, activities, points of interest, and general park information.
[ 95 votes, rating : 5/10 ]
URL : http://www.laparks.org
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
    ( 155 visits since 2006-11-23 )
Seeks to maintain a clean and safe parks system, providing the public with a greener city and a wide variety of recreational opportunities.
[ 29 votes, rating : 4/10 ]
URL : http://www.nycgovparks.org
Outdoor Recreation in America
    ( 321 visits since 2006-11-23 )
Passage of the Recreation Enhancement Act to sustain recreation management ... The organizations represent millions of outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
[ 5 votes, rating : 5/10 ]
URL : http://www.funoutdoors.com
Recreation | The WWW Virtual Library
    ( 307 visits since 2006-11-23 )
A library of resources that document a game or recreational pastime. Games and Recreations includes computer games, board games, card games, role-playing.
[ 24 votes, rating : 7/10 ]
URL : http://vlib.org/Recreation
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