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Health and IQ

Persons with a higher IQ have generally lower adult morbidity and mortality. This may be because they better avoid injury and take better care of their own health, or alternatively may be due to a slight increased propensity for material wealth (see above). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, severe depression, and schizophrenia are less prevalent in higher IQ bands since these disorders greatly affect participant's concentration and may affect the test taking itself. On the other hand, higher IQ shows a higher prevalence of those suffering Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Research in Scotland has shown that a 15-point lower IQ meant people had a fifth less chance of seeing their 76th birthday, while those with a 30-point disadvantage were 37% less likely than those with a higher IQ to live that long.

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IQ tests
What is my IQ
Intelligence test
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